There are two computers, one attached to the FV500 confocal system for acquisition and one workstation for analysis. Neither computer is on the network and there is and will be no Internet access to these computers. If people are waiting to acquire data, users should move to the second station to perform analysis.
Access to the computer is by secure log-in (by PI and PW). Access to the Fluoview program is by PI UN and will open the last settings used by that PI.
When finished you must:
- exit the Fluoview program
- transfer your data files to removable storage
- log out of your session on the computer and 4) shut down the computer if there is no one signed up after you.
Data Storage
Each PI is assigned 1.5 GB on the FV500 computer and 5 GB on the workstation. You are responsible for maintaining your own section of the hard drive, no more space will be allocated. Data files more than 1 month old will be purged on a regular basis by the administrator, so delete your files as they are backed up.
It is suggested that only instrument setting and user profiles be stored on the FV500 computer hard drive and only the most current data on the workstation.
Data files should be archived on zip disk (100 or 250 MB), CD-R or DVD-R when acquisition and/or analysis is completed.
When you are finished, lower stage and wipe objectives clean of oil with lens paper and clean stage of any oil, glass chips, or mounting media.
Change the objective to 4x when you finish and return the stage to non-escaped (up) position.
If someone is waiting to use the confocal, leave the laser(s) on.
Only turn on the laser(s) you need, not all of them, to save the tube life. (See dye list for laser used.)
Equitable Usage
It is crucial that all users complete the sign-in/out log whenever using the confocal system (blue folder on workstation desk).
The usage log will be used to compile report(s) to the funding agency.
The advisory committee will meet twice a year to make, review, and update policy. It will also evaluate any problems and financial decisions.
This instrument was purchased through an NCRR Shared instrumentation grant and should be acknowledged in any publications. The following statement is suggested: "We would like to acknowledge the use of confocal microscope made available through an NCRR Shared Instrumentation Grant (#1 S10 RR16851)."
Please provide a reprint of the paper so we can have it on file for our report.