
Required Pre-training

  1. Download Access Request Form, fill in user information and mail [MMC806], e-mail [email protected] filled in form saved in Acrobat.
  2. Provide employee ID number [included on access form] so that your training records can be accessed in PeopleSoft.
  3. Download operating manual and handbook.
  4. View a training presentation.
  5. Read and review all materials. You will be tested on the contents.

Hands on Training

Training on how to use this specific microscope is provided on an as-needed basis by the confocal administrator. Complete and turn in access form, then call or e-mail Kyleigh  ([email protected]) to arrange scheduling.

Mark Sanders will provided hands-on training at a cost of $20/person. When a time has been scheduled, have your PI (or whoever is paying for the training) fill out a work order on the BIPL web page. In the Comments field, write "Olympus Confocal Training" and a list of the name(s) of people to be trained. Fill out one work order per PI.

Training will be scheduled when 4 requests have been received with a maximum of eight people per session. It will take about 2-3 hours, and in about one week your U-card will access the confocal microscope room, the stairwells, and the elevator for after hours/weekend use.

It is recommended that your first session on the confocal be under the direction of someone who is familiar with the FV500 to ensure correct set-up of your settings.

A copy of the handbook will be available next to the instrument to act as a prompt to aid in using the confocal microscope system.

training presentation is available for viewing as a refresher.